Monday, April 30, 2012

Stair Steps to Textile- Poster

This poster was based on the process I followed to make my textile image. I included the original and manipulated images that I utilized to create the final textile image. I also included the brief summary of what I did to get to each step as well as the concept statement. I incorporated a variety of skills that I need in InDesign. From this assignment, I was able to look back to my textile image and understand the steps better.

Value study in line

This is the value study in line sketch. The top part of the imgae is the normal effect of the room but the bottom part is the negative effect of the room. This is kind of like a sequel sketch to the chair negative space.

Chair negative space

This is the chair negative space sketch. Through this sketch, I learned to point out where the negative space is present.

Small hardware element on black paper

This is the sketch of a doornob using pencil colors on a piece of black paper. I used a multiple colors to make this sketch. By using colors, they all stand out on a black paper which creates a negative view effect.

Figure tracing from photograph

This is the figure tracing from a photograph. I chose a picture of my friends who are posing in a school gym. Because the surrounding is not traced along with my friends, your eyes are not aware of the what's going on in the background.

Fruit cross section

This is fruit cross section sketch. I drew a half of the apple and the whole apple that is being cut with a knife. Through this sketch, I learned to draw the inside of the fruit.

Shade and shadow of room corner

This sketch emphasizes the shade and shadow of room corner. Because of the specific shaded areas, 3-dimensional looks are present in this room.

Chair views

This sketch is the image of multiple chair views. Starting from the top left, there are side, under, perspective, top, pattern of fabric, and front view. I learned to draw in different perspecive views of an object.

Napkin sketch

This is the sketch of my dorm room on a napkin. The top part of image is the 3-dimensional of the room and the bottom part of the image is the floor plan of the room. I learned to draw in both 3 and 2 dimensional of the room through this sketch assignment.

Mind map

This is the mind map sketch that I did. The word was pattern and all the other words that are around "pattern" are correlated in terms of meaning.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


For this task, I had to make a resume that will meet the acceptable business style. I included the logo that I created previously and attached it to my resume. This allows to define myself. Through the process of making this resume, I learned the skills I need to customize to make the resume look more stylish and interesting.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This is the thumbnail sketches I have drawn before I created my final logo. Through these drawings, I was able to get some ideas how the final piece would turn out. Of course, the final logo turned out to be completely different from the sketches but there are some elements that I incorporated to make the final logo.
This is my logo that I created using a variety of skills. To make this logo, I had to utilize font styles and editing tools to make it the way it turned out to be. Through the process, I learned more about using the tools that are included in the illustrator. If I had the chance again to do the similar assignment, I would incorporate more tools and skills to improve from this current logo.