Thursday, February 16, 2012


This sketch was done by looking at my keys. I used a variety of sketching techniques such as cross hatching and hatching. I am satisfied with this sketch but if I were to change one thing to it, it would be shading.  


I drew these plants by utilizing shading techniques. I first drew the shape of them and then I added some shadings to see if they were shaded at the right place or not. The final process was adding tiny details such as the grains of the leaves.

Crosshatch fruit still life in context

I set a banana, apple and orange next to each other and drew them.  I set the banana against the orange to create more shadow. The detail of the banana was the most difficult because of the brown spots that were all over. The orange was the easiest to add details. 

Textile Pattern

This textile pattern was selected to show the transformation of one image to a whole new different image. I liked the symmetrical look to this pattern but I didn't like the color choices of the images. They somehow don't match together. This pattern was created to achieve a new image by cropping other images and placing them to a background. I still need to improve on choosing the right colors to attract the audience's attention.

Geometric Pattern

This pattern was created by numbers of distorted images. The quality of this work depends on how well the images were manipulated. I liked the color scheme that I incorporated to this pattern but I didn't like the arrangement of the shapes. In order to create this pattern, I manipulated numbers of images so that they were unidentified what so ever. I did a fine job manipulating the images but I still need to improve on arranging the shapes so that all the images are harmonized to each other.